Thursday, October 31, 2013

Q&A with a Boxed Mix Connoisseur

            I am a scratch baking snob.  I have grown up baking without any boxed mixes, so I never understood the reason to use them.  But I need to know the other side of the story.  Why do people continue to use boxed mixes?  Little did I know, but one of my good friends is a boxed mix connoisseur.  Let me introduce you to Maura Keech.  Maura is a culinary arts students at Drexel University and also a wife and mother to four children.  While she loves to cook, baking is not her strong suit.  So when she wants to bake, she uses boxed mixes and she doesn’t try to hide it. After talking to Maura, I discovered that price and convenience plays a huge part in the reason for using boxed mixes.  Below is a transcript of the conversation between Maura and I.

Why do you use boxed mixes?
            “I’m not a baker.  I use them one, because it’s convenient and they always turn out.  They are really easy to use.  Even my 10-year-old can read the directions and bake a cake.  Most of the time you just need water and eggs, which if you have the box, you always have water and eggs and a little bit of oil.  The prices are also another reason I use them.  They are cheap; you can usually get them on sale.  ACME normally has them 10 for $10.”

Do you have a favorite brand?  Or do you find them all consistent?
            “My favorite angel food cake is the America’s Choice store brand.  Brownies, I think we like Betty Crocker the best.  Cake mixes, I think, are pretty consistent.  I tried different brownie and angel food cake mixes and I just like the way they turned out the best.”

Have you ever tried to bake from scratch?
            “I tried to make a cake.”

How did that turn out?
            “Very cumbersome, it was really cumbersome.  You have a lot of different ingredients and steps.  It didn’t bake or taste as well as the boxed mix.  It was lumpy and didn’t rise as well.”

Do you have the ingredients to bake at home?
            “I do.  I have baking powder, baking soda, and flour on hand to bake.”

So it’s not that you don’t have the ingredients?  It’s convenient.
            “It is.  9 times out of 10, I’m making something it’s like oh crap, I got to bake a cake for tonight or the kids need something for school.”

Have you ever compared the boxed mix to a scratch recipe?
            “I made the angel food cake in a baking class.  I actually like the boxed cake better.  It was lighter and had a better flavor.”

Do you “doctor” the box mixes you use?  If so, what do you make?
            “Yes, I do.  Sometimes I will add applesauce instead of oil to make a spice or apple cake.  I also use cream cheese to make cheesecake brownies.”

So you are more or less improving the boxed mix but adding your own ingredients?  That makes you more of a scratch baker, right?

            “Absolutely, I make it creamier with the cream cheese.  It also changes the flavor of the mix completely by adding your own ingredients.  Adding applesauce instead of oil can also make it healthier for you.  So yeah, I guess I am a semi-scratch baker.”

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